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Components Reference

LightNet provides a set of components that you can use to build your pages. These components can be used to customize the homepage or other custom Astro pages.

This is the layout of a LightNet page:

import { Page } from "lightnet/components"
{/* Add components here */}

The Page component handles the layout of the page. This will add the header, language switcher, menu system…

The components are expected to be placed inside the Page component. This reference gives you an overview of all available components. You import them from lightnet/components.

Available components


The Hero component is used to display a hero image with a page title and a subtitle. It is covering the full width of the screen. Title and subtitle are centered on top of the image.

import { Hero, Page } from "lightnet/components"
import heroImage from "../../assets/hero.jpg"
<Hero title={Astro.locals.i18n.t("x.hero.title")} image={heroImage} />

The Hero component has the following properties:


type: ImageMetadata
example: import heroImage from "../../assets/hero.jpg"
required: true

The background image of the hero.


type: string
example: "My page title"
required: false

The title that is displayed on top of the image.


type: string
example: "My page subtitle"
required: false

The subtitle that is displayed on top of the image.


type: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl"
example: "md"
required: false

The size of the title. sm is the smallest, xl is the largest.


type: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl"
example: "md"
required: false

The size of the subtitle. sm is the smallest, xl is the largest.


type: string
example: "italic text-yellow-50"
required: false

Additional css classes, separated by spaces, to further customize title´s appearance. Use Tailwind CSS classes.


type: string
example: "italic text-yellow-50"
required: false

Additional css classes, separated by spaces, to further customize subtitle´s appearance.


type: string
example: "to-amber-400/20"
required: false

Additional css classes, separated by spaces, to style the hero image. They will be applied to a element that is overlaying the image. You can use this to add a gradient or a blur effect.


The Section component is used to create a section with a optional title. It takes care of the spacing and the layout of its content.

import { Section } from "lightnet/components"
<Section title={Astro.locals.i18n.t("x.section.title")}>
{/* Add components here */}

The Section component has the following properties:


type: string
example: "My section title"
required: false

The title of the section.


type: "full" | "prose"
example: "prose"
required: false
default: "full"

A Section will grow its width with the screen size. It will stop growing according to the maxWidth property. After this it will be centered on the screen. The maxWidth property can be set to full or prose.

  • full: The section will stop growing with the full width of the LightNet container. This will align the section to the left and right side of the header bar’s content. The full width should be used on the homepage.
  • prose: The section will stop growing so that contained text is still well readable. This is the width used on the details page.


type: string
example: "my-section"
required: false

The id of the section. This can be used to link to the section e.g. /about#my-section.


type: string
example: "py-4 bg-gray-100"
required: false

Additional css classes, separated by spaces, to style the section. The classes will be applied to the section’s container element.

The Gallery component is used to display a list of media items in a grid. It should be used inside a Section component that has maxWidth set to full (the default).

import { Page, Section, Gallery } from "lightnet/components"
import { getMediaItems } from "lightnet/content"
const books = await getMediaItems({/*...*/})
<Section title={Astro.locals.i18n.t("x.books.title")}>
<Gallery items={books} layout="book"/>

The Gallery component has the following properties:


type: MediaItem[]
example: const books = await getMediaItems({/*...*/})
required: true

The list of media items to display.


type: "book" | "video" | "portrait" | "landscape"
example: "book"
required: true

The layout of the gallery. The layout will be used to determine the number of columns and to style the cover images. Available layouts are:

  • portrait: Takes 2 to 5 columns. Use this for cover images that are portrait oriented.
  • book: Takes 2 to 5 columns. This equals to portrait layout. Additionally a book fold is added to the cover image and corners are less rounded.
  • landscape: Takes 1 to 4 columns. Use this for cover images that are landscape oriented.
  • video: Takes 1 to 4 columns. This equals to landscape layout. Additionally all covers will have a aspect ratio of 16:9 with a black background.


The MediaItemList component is used to display a list of media items (like on the search page). It should be used inside a Section component.

import { Page, Section, MediaItemList } from "lightnet/components"
import { getMediaItems } from "lightnet/content"
const books = await getMediaItems({/*...*/})
<Section title={Astro.locals.i18n.t("x.books.title")} maxWidth="prose">
<MediaItemList items={books}/>

The MediaItemList component has the following properties:


type: MediaItem[]
example: const books = await getMediaItems({/*...*/})
required: true

The list of media items to display.


The CategoriesOverview component is used to display a grid of all available categories. Clicking on a category will navigate to the search page filtered by the category.

import { CategoriesOverview, Page } from "lightnet/components"
<CategoriesOverview />

The CategoriesOverview component has the following properties:


type: string
example: "Categories"
required: false
default: Astro.locals.i18n.t("ln.common.categories")

The title of the categories overview section. By default the title will be translated from the ln.common.categories key (this is “Categories” in English). In case you want to use a different title, you can set the title property. Make sure to translate the title.


The HighlightSection component will display a large image with a title, a description and a optional link to another page. It will take the full width of the screen.

import { Page, HighlightSection } from "lightnet/components"
import highlightImage from "../../assets/highlightImage.jpg"
title="Your Title"
text="Some description"
href: "/some-page",
text: "Link Text",

The HighlightSection component has the following properties:


type: ImageMetadata
example: import highlightImage from "../../assets/highlightImage.jpg"
required: true

The image of the highlight section. It will be optimized for performance. We recommend to use a image that is at least 1500px wide to ensure that it looks good on all devices. Supported Image formats are jpg, png, webp.


type: string
example: "my-section"
required: false

The id of the section. This can be used to link to the section e.g. /about#my-section.


type: string
example: "My section title"
required: false

The title to show above the text.


type: string
example: "Some description"
required: true

The text to describe the highlight section.

type: { href: string, text: string }
example: { href: "/en/some-page", text: "Link Text" }
required: false

The link to show as a button below the text. The href property will not be automatically prefixed with the current locale. The text will be shown on the button without any further translation.


type: string
example: "bg-blue-600 text-white"
required: false

Additional css classes, separated by spaces, to style the highlight section.


type: string
example: "text-2xl font-bold"
required: false

Additional css classes, separated by spaces, to style the title.


type: string
example: "text-lg"
required: false

Additional css classes, separated by spaces, to style the text.


The Icon component is used to display an icon from the Material Design Icons library.

import { Icon } from "lightnet/components"
<Icon className="mdi--home" />

The Icon component has the following properties:


type: string
example: "mdi--home"
required: true

The css classes of the icon separated by spaces. This must include the icon name. The icon name is the name of the icon from the Material Design Icons library prefixed with mdi--.

For example: the Material Design Icon “home” becomes mdi--home.

You can use all available icons from the Material Design Icons library.


type: string
example: "Home"
required: true

The aria label of the icon. This is used to describe the icon to users of assistive technologies. Make sure to translate the aria label to the current locale. If you set this to a blank string, the icon will be hidden from assistive technologies.


type: boolean
example: true
required: false
default: false

If set to true this flips the icon horizontally. This is useful if you want to mirror an icon on a right-to-left language.